LXI Matrix Platform

Pickering Interfaces AB
LXI Matrix Platform

LXI Matrix Platform

New High Voltage Scalable LXI Matrix Platform Provides Flexibility for up to 300x4 Connections

Cold switching to 750 VDC up to 2 A at 60 W
Pickering Interfaces, the leading supplier of modular signal switching and simulation solutions for use in electronic test and verification, today launched the 65-218, 50×4 1-pole LXI matrix plug-in modules. These modules may be used in conjunction with Pickering’s 65-200-002 LXI modular chassis to form a scalable, high voltage matrix platform that enables the construction of matrix sizes up to 300×4 in steps of 50×4. Available in two variants, capable of delivering cold switching to either 400 VDC or 750 VDC (1 kV pulse) with up to 2 A (switching and carrying) and a maximum switching power of 60 W, the single-pole matrix modules use high-quality electromechanical relays offering a long service life. The modular construction of the scalable LXI platform enables great flexibility—as your requirements evolve, additional plug-in modules can be easily added, and the control software automatically detects the new configuration. The plug-in matrices are loaded into the chassis via the front panel, significantly improving the unit’s ease of configuration and maintenance. If one module needs to be removed, the others can remain in the test system with the external cabling attached to the functional plug-ins. The 400 V version (model 65-218-101) can use the internal analog bus of the 65-200 chassis to connect the 50×4 matrix plug-ins forming a larger matrix. The 750 V version (65-218-111) utilizes external cabling to expand the matrix. Front panel connector interfaces on all 65-218 plug-in modules are via high voltage 9- and 50-pin D-type connectors. The 65-200 platform offers built-in scan list sequence stores with triggering capability, both of which can be used to increase the efficiency of test systems by allowing pre-defined test sequences to be loaded onto the unit and executed automatically.

The module’s design has been optimized to minimize path resistance to less than 200 mΩ per plug-in path.

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