Elektronik är hetare än någonsin — och värre blir det!

The world of electronics is spinning ever faster. The development of virtually all technology in our environment points towards electrification — and after becoming electric, it becomes digital, and once it’s digital, it becomes interconnected, then even faster, then even more powerful. Electronics and digital circuits inevitably evolve towards greater processing power, faster communication, and increasingly compact formats.

But all of this comes at a cost: heat. And the more powerful, faster, and compact the device becomes, the higher the cost! Heat development is one of the most crucial limiting factors for what the next generation of electronics can or cannot do.

Handling this cost is therefore of utmost importance for anyone developing high-end electronics — and for a country like Sweden, where the electronics industry is strategically vital, the importance of being able to manage heat in constructions for the nation’s strategic autonomy is impossible to overstate. Unfortunately, we still have a long way to go, both within the industry to apply existing technologies and to develop and manufacture solutions, as well as within academia and institutions to educate engineers in the problem area and to research it. The seminar is presented by Jussi Myllyluoma – Founder of the Cool Sweden Initiative. Seminar in Swedish*