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astrid armgarth

Astrid Armgarth

Astrid is a unit manager in Printed & Bio-based Electronics at RISE – a leading innovation partner within Printed Electronics driving the testbed Printed Electronics Arena in Norrköping.

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björn magnusson

Björn Magnusson

Björn worked with development of SiC crystals, substrates and epitaxy for the last 25 years both at Linköping university and at Okmetic, Norstel (co-founder) and now at STMicroelectronics Silicon Carbide AB in Norrköping

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jon wingborg QSIP

Jon Wingborg

Today Jon is responsible for building international connections for QSIP (Quantum Sweden Innovation Platform) as well as the Swedish graphene ecosystem at SIO grafen.

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Marie ideström womengineer

Marie Ideström

Marie Ideström, CEO and founder of the Womengineer Foundation, works to empower young girls by boosting their confidence and knowledge in technology, encouraging more of them to pursue careers in the field.

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Patrik Lislen Axis

Patrik Lislén

Patrik is one of the ASIC managers at Axis Communications. The department is responsible for the development of Axis’ own SoC, ARTPEC.

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Veronica Bjurulf VD NTA

Veronica Bjurulf

Veronica Bjurulf is the CEO of NTA Skolutveckling, which works to increase children’s interest in and knowledge of science, technology, and mathematics.

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